Thursday, August 09, 2007

Strigi now understands Xesam queries

Flavio wrote about Strigi getting Xesam query support, which is cool and allows me to look up email from me to a friend using this query:
<field name=""/>
<field name="email.from"/>

So that, after having saved the above as query.xml, I can then issue a strigicmd call:
strigicmd xesamquery -t clucene -d index/ -q query.xml

Now, with proper nesting and all functional (see the full query language specification), I can do all sorts of nice queries:
<field name="xml.usesNamespace"/>
<string caseSensitive="true"></string>

Possibly embedded in XHTML (or vice versa):
<field name="xml.usesNamespace"/>
<string caseSensitive="true"></string>
<field name="xml.usesNamespace"/>
<string caseSensitive="true"></string>

And, after having installed strigi-chemical currently developed by Alexandr, the GSoC student on chemistry support for Strigi, chemical queries. For example, to get all molecules with a certain mass range, I can find all files that use a CML namespace:
<field name="chemistry.molecular_weight"/>
<field name="chemistry.molecular_weight"/>

Or, give me all chemical files which contains a molecule with 'butane' in the name:
<field name="content.mime_type"/>
<field name=""/>

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